Monday, January 19, 2009

A mess!

I walk in on Juliet in the living room, where she has assembled a midden of newspapers, towels, pillows, random toys, and the clean bedsheets that we're supposed to take to school for her to nap on.

Me: Juliet, what are you doing?
J: I'm making a mess!
Me: Oh?
J: Yes, it's really horrible.

At least she knows what she's up to. And, she said that she would clean it up when she's done.

Monday, January 05, 2009


Juliet is in the midst of a growth spurt: she's been eating huge amounts of food, and I swear she's an inch taller after Christmas vacation.

As Joyce was tucking her in this evening, in her PJs and having brushed her teeth, Juliet decided to campaign for more food:

"I'm hungry."

"Could I have food?"

"I just want food so I can grow big like Cade." (her classmate)

"Oh man, I never get food!"

"I wish I could have food."

"Mommy, can I have food?"

"I'm hungry right now!" -- repeated a dozen times.

Then she cried for about five minutes, and pointed to her mouth for another five minutes.

Reader, we fed her cheese.