Today (Tuesday) we walked across town to the offices of Dr. Jane Aronson, who is known as "the orphan doctor" in the media. Her practice specializes in adopted children. We had gotten very good advice, instructions, and prescriptions from her colleague, Dr. Laura Feldman, before heading off to China (including the Tobradex which quickly cured my conjunctivitis).
The worst part of the visit was extracting blood samples from Juliet. Our darling is still a bit chubby, and since she's a baby, she has extremely tiny veins. Dr. Aronson started with the right side of Juliet's neck, moved to her left arm, then moved to her right arm, and was finally able to score a vein on the left side of Juliet's neck. Needless to say, Juliet did not enjoy these proceedings. Personally, I found some of the rooting around with needles to be unsettling, as many different angles were tried.
Here's Juliet after all the trauma, and after a couple of bottles of milk to settle her back down.

Other stats seem pretty normal--Juliet is around the 15th or 18th percentile for her age in both height and weight. She's at only the 3rd percentile for head circumference, which might be of concern, but we also observed that her head is somewhat flattened on the back (possibly from sleeping patterns), and also her skull hasn't sealed, so she has time to catch up. Dr. Aronson thinks that Juliet wouldn't need Head Start and wouldn't qualify given her current set of responses. So we'll just go back to making her life miserable with broccoli, baths, and walks through the park.

On the vaccination front, everything is as it should be; apparently the Chinese records were quite thorough, including instructions about the next round of vaccines that ought to be administered. Juliet had to get four vaccinations, about which she was not at all happy, but at least they were over with quickly.