Juliet's last day at Bright Horizons (her daycare center for the last two years) is tomorrow. She starts at her new school, the Weekday School at Riverside Church, on Monday. Starting a couple of weeks ago, she started seeming a bit more insecure and skittish than usual, and I figured it was the upcoming school transition. So I asked her about it:
C: Juliet, are you looking forward to going to your new school?
J: Yeah, I'm going to miss you.
Which made her insecurities seem much more real. I quickly reassured her that mommy and daddy weren't going anywhere, that Heather and Erica would still be babysitting her, that she would still get to see Shawna, her teacher at Bright Horizons, and that we'd be staying in touch with her friends. She brightened up immediately, and has been much better ever since.