Friday, February 29, 2008

Life imitates Knuffle Bunny

If you haven't seen Mo Willem's books Knuffle Bunny and Knuffle Bunny Too, we highly recommend them--they capture fundamental truths of parenting and urban life. Without spoiling the stories, KB2 has aspects of the terrible young-adult plotline where the heroine and her nemesis show up at the prom wearing the same dress.

For Christmas, Juliet received a baby doll with Asian features. Upon opening the present, she exclaimed, "It's my baby, it's my sister!" And proceeded to name the doll "Baby Lala". On the 9th of January, she insisted on carrying Baby Lala to daycare with her. Juliet entered her daycare room (Toddler 3 at Bright Horizons), saw her buddy Mei, and Mei turned out to have brought exactly the same doll (I sharpie'd a "J" onto Juliet's doll to avoid embarrassing confusions). This video was shot just a little bit after that first encounter; they don't seem to have internalized the social opprobrium of bringing the same dolls to school.

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