We started at 2 today with a very mild bit of paperwork: signing and thumbprinting our adoption forms for the Chinese government. Our thumbprints were done in red ink over our signatures, which makes me wonder whether, if I were more Chinese, I would have brought my chop and used that in lieu of both signature and thumbprint.

Around 3:30 we, our facilitators, and the two other families piled into a bus for the ten-minute drive to the government offices where we would meet our daughters. In the offices, once we had reached the fourth floor, it became clear that we were just one of many sets of families who were meeting their daughters that day. There were families with Chinese babies exiting the room we entered, and by the time we were done,

other sets of families, not yet with their daughters, were walking into our room.
An official gave us a very short speech thanking us for coming to China and being willing to provide a home for the babies we were about to adopt, requesting that we be take care of them for the next 24 hours, and asking us to return the next day if we wished to adopt

these children (yeah, try and stop us!). And then, suddenly, three women came through the door, bringing our three daughters. We took lots of photos, and we spoke briefly with the director of the orphanage and the three staff members who came with him, and they gave us a couple of bags of Nestle formula, which is what the kids are used to. Then it was back to the bus and the hotel.

We hung out for about two hours in the hotel room, getting to change diapers (twice, thankfully not captured on videotape for posterity), and try out various teething toys (verdict: the butterfly is best, especially chilled; the plastic set of keys is second best, and my G-Shock watch is third best, albeit the best of the three to lick). Then we headed to the Cantonese restaurant in front of the hotel,

where we had a very tasty dim sum dinner for about $7 (RMB Y52), and Joyce and I made our first attempts at spoon-feeding beef congee to our daughter (messy, very messy, but ultimately successful). After dinner, Juliet contented herself with rolling around on our bed, tossing her various toys and then crawling to get to them (I wonder if she learned to amuse herself at the orphanage). Then she fell dead asleep around 9:30.

We're wondering whether to wake her for her normal midnight bottle feeding, or whether she'll wake herself.
Thank you for this blog. It is joy -- sheer bliss.
I'm so happy for your little family.
much, much love - Linda
Congratulations--she is gorgeous!
Susan & Richard
I'm spending the day all teary-eyed, ever since I logged on to Linda's site. Sniff! You guys look so cute! Cliff, your foolish grin just lights up the room. Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!
We learned with Harriet -- never, never, never wake a sleeping baby. If baby is hungry, she'll wake up and tell you. If she's sleeping, let her sleep.
Happy baby day. You guys look really happy.
Awesome, awesome, awesome. She's adorable! More pictures of the entire mother/father/baby family unit, please!
Chris (and Laura and Rebecca Jayne)
Congratulations! What a joyful event. Aunt Tilda forwarded the blog link and it's just wonderful! The photos of you both and Juliet are making me weepy. We can't wait to meet our new cousin!!
Leslie, David, Mia and Carmen
Absolutely adorable.
I agree on not waking a sleeping baby--outside extreme circumstances. She'll wake up when she's hungry.
She looks really healthy and you guys are doing a phenomenal job.
Definitely don't wake the sleeping baby -- learn to appreciate the fact that she is allowing you to sleep uninterrupted for most of the night! :-) She will let you know loud and clear when she's hungry or needs a change.
Cliff, what type of Nestle formula is it? I'm seeing Good Start 1 & Good Start 2 (former is 0-9 months, latter is 9-24 months). And both levels have a milk-based and soy-based variant.
I'm trying to track down if there is a local supplier.
Wow, Juliet's even cuter than in the photos! Congratulations!
And we concur: never wake a sleeping baby... :-)
The Kuskin clan
Hey Cliff,
I was just showing the pictures to Delaney and she saw the one of you playing with Juliette on the bed. Delaney said "Look! She likes her Daddy!"
Congratulations. She is beautiful. David
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